Friday 22 June 2018

The Year

The Year I Met You was the best year of my Life.
 But now when I think about The Year I met you;  I think it was the worst year of my Life. The Year I Met You is the year I want to forget. The Year I Met You, was the biggest mistake of my life. The Year I Met You, is the year we became friends with each other. The Year I Met You, you became the important part of my life. The Year I Met You, I learnt the true meaning of friendship. But now when I think about our friendship, the only question comes into my mind is Was it really, a friendship? Was it from both of us, or it was just from my side.

The Year I met You was the year full of fun, care, sharing, love.  But now, when I think was that all true or fake. Or is there something, you are hiding. Is there something, which you don't want to speak? Or I should say that I'm just overthinking about everything. Was that 9 years of friendship, true?  Or was it just my belief in you & our friendship. Since 9 years we were friends, were we? Or it was just from my side. I know after reading this, it won't make any difference to you. Nor does it matters! The Year I Met You, have now made me a person, who will no longer be able to believe in friendship, relationship, Love, Trust. To all the years of our friendship & to all those friends, who once used to be my everything, now they are nothing to me. To all the friends who made promises that they won't leave me, have taught me the true meaning of this: promises are meant to be broken. At the end, I would just say that live your life happily, stay healthy, stay blessed, be strong, don't do wrong, love yourself. To all those friends who were mine, who are now not a part of my life. Kudos, to you'll for making me a person who I have become right now.

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