Tuesday 31 July 2018

31 Days of Art ❤

I was planning to host a challenge from a very long time. Then back in the month of June, I finally decided to host a challenge in the month of July. Yes; my first ever challenge. I polled a vote on my instagram & so many of them were ready to take my challenge. This challenge was for one month. I named it #31daysofart. The main motive behind my challenge was that I wanted to showcase what others think about art. What is everybody's perspective about art.

So, as my first ever Challenge is over. The best of them are on my instagram handle: blogger_speaks. I hosted this challenge because I wanted to share what's everybody's perspective about art. So many of you took my challenge, but only these 2 of amongst them were the constant ones. Pratyush has a very good sense of writing. I have posted his best of his writeups & photography which I personally loved reading them. Sahana, the photographer. I have posted the best clicks by her; which I think you guyzzz will also like it.
As I promised; that best one will be as my post.
Thank you for being constant; in this journey. Journey of #31daysofart.
The month of #31daysofart brought so many challenges for me; personally.
The July every year has got something or the other for me.
P.S. Should I come up, with any other challenge??? Drop in your feedback, in comment section.
Go check my instagram handle: @blogger_speaks

Friday 27 July 2018

Little Black Dress 🍷

I have got so many messages regarding the outfit details, so here it is.
I bought this Little Black Dress from Myntra App.
Though, I shopped this dress 4 years back. I still love wearing it & the best part about it is that it is still in fashion.

I was surfing the app & my eyes were instantly drawn to this beautiful black dress.
The cost of this dress is just 1k. The brand I am wearing is Miss Chase. The lipshade I am wearing is from Half & Half. I bought these footwears from the local market of Jaipur.
It was a special occasion, & I believe that special occasion is incomplete without a pretty outfit.
P.S. Thank you to all, who liked my this look 🌻❤

Wednesday 18 July 2018

"Prettiest Thing Hides Most of The Pain".

     I want to say this from such a long time; here comes a video with a message what I wanted to convey. There are many people who have this tendency of hiding their deepest secrets with there pretty smile on their face, the prettiest eyes hide the most tears, & the kindest hearts have had the most pain. 

      So, overall I want to say that try to communicate with them who you find to be in such a situation. Coz they don't show their pain but you can try to talk with them. I am saying this Coz I personally feel that they deserve the most of the care, love & happiness, out of this world.

Friday 13 July 2018

The Old You 🌻

I really miss the old you
The one constant support I can look upto
The chats we did were not like normal friends or bffs do
I don't find you 
When I need you
I miss you 
Hell lot
When I see others together 
As friend, family, couples
Thou we never met
But the conversation we had 
Was worth to remember I bet
You know me better then others
I want you in my life
You chose something else
I still miss you 
to be with me.
Though we were not dating 
Nor we were normal friends 
But I don't know why
I still miss the old you

Wednesday 4 July 2018

Friends became Strangers 🌼

To the one whom I miss the most!
Yes, its true
I really miss you. 
No matter what,
I think of you
day & night.
Its not a single day, 
Not even an hour or a minute
When I don't wish to have you or to be around you.
I want you back in my life,
I don't know how
but you've to come back.
I miss it
how you used 
to take care of me,
to love me,
to cuddle me,
to pamper me,
to make me happy.
I miss every bit of it...