Wednesday 6 February 2019

All about life ❤

What do you mean by the word "life"? 💭💭💭

Is life all about your existence, or it is more than that!

We all have been asked this question, that what exactly life means to you???

So, my answer is that Life is a blessing!

Yes, a blessing.

illustration by: Nicola Robson
source: instagram

I am really blessed that I exist in this world. And, I am so thankful to God & my parents equally for it. 🙏🏻⚘

Few days back, i.e. on 27th January I turned 22. And, I celebrated my special day with my family, which is indeed a blessing. 🙇‍♀️

But some of us, amongst millions and billions and trillions... of a human society! Doesn't want to live, some of us want to die.

I ask you why?

why do you want to end it, when you can live it happily.

Ups and Downs come in everyone's life, it is upto us how we face them!!!

I simply believe that if you have faith in God, then no matter what phase of Life you are going through be it really really really a bad one, he gives you the power, strength to overcome every obstacle, to face every problem.

To me live is to love,
& To love is to live.

Same is what 'Life' really means to me & what I think is we all should live our life, happily. We should not look for reasons to end it, rather we all should celebrate it.
