Thursday 27 December 2018


             illustration by: elliemation          
 (source: instagram)


Blessed are those, those who have a family. I have seen so many of us not treating our parents, the way they deserve the respect, care & love. We should feel lucky that we have parents, we have a family. Think about them those who don't have a family. They cry & they wish for it daily what we have. So, why don't we people feel blessed for what we already have. Why some of us don't give respect to our parents ??? Why do we not give that love & care what they; our parents deserve & give us. All we need to do is just to reciprocate, what we recieve. Our parents do whatever they can to provide us all the happiness, love & care we ask for & we deserve. Then, why can't we do the same for them??? Can't we provide them the love, happiness & care they deserve & want from us ???

I still remember, when I lost my mom. My dad, took all the responsibility of my mom. He took care of me & my sister & he being a single parent raised us & provided us all what so ever we wished & asked him.

He taught us how to fight & face this cruel world.

Down the memory lane, back in 2013 when I got to know that I had stones in my Gall Bladder. The doctor told my Dad, that it needs to be operated & after operation I'll be okay.

So, I still remember, that when I was being operated how tensed he was for me. And, even when my operation was successful I was unconcious for 3 hours. After seeing, that state of mine he got so angry that he told the doctor that why is my daughter not awake yet??? Why is she unconcious, till now?? & how long will it take for her to regain the conciousness back ?? So, doctor said that she'll regain conciousness soon. Very soon. And, when I regained my conciousness. He was, on cloud nine. Believe me, I've not seen him that happy in my entire life before 13th september, 2013.

That was the time, when I realized that if my dad can find happiness in seeing me alive. Then why can't I just give him the respect what he deserves.

So, this was just a small example of how my dad took care of me.

All, I want to convey throughout my blog is that if we have our parents, we have a family. And, if we have a family. Then, we should love our family & we should take care of them. Coz, eveyone is not blessed with what some of us our blessed with.

Also, we should love & care the people those who don't have a family. Coz, love can heal what loneliness cannot.

Gunjeet Kaur Sehgal.