Wednesday 29 August 2018

Challenge your Phobia 💪👊💙

Walking on these rocks for rafting that too in flip flops was not that tough for me; while actually facing my fear was. Yes, you read it right.

I actually am an aquaphobiac. But at the same time I was excited too. Being nervous & excited how it feels like. I actually experienced it on 13.6.18. When our instructor asked us to jump into the water. It was only me who knows how I jumped into it & was there for 3-4 minutes into the water.

If I will say that I have overcome my fear it would be a lie. But I'll try my best to overcome it. Coz, facing your fear is the key to a happy life. 💙🛶

Monday 20 August 2018

Shave Your Opinion... 💭

I believe in comfort and not in the way people will look at me. I dress up for myself and for the way I feel, not for somebody to be impressed or provoked. I don't think this even needs an explanation.

To all those who judge us  for our necklines and the length of our sleeves and skirt.
Someone's perception of perfection will never determine the way I look, it's time you
 Shave Your Opinion.

Outfit: Zara
Location: Indoor Shoot

Saturday 4 August 2018

Miles apart...close to my heart 🌻❤

Do you remember the night
We spent together
under the stars
for long hours...

Not physically we were together
But over a phone call
This is somehow
Our long distance relation
         have been
maintained for years.

It might be a matter of concern for others
But for us
It is our bond
Which is getting more stronger.