Sunday 9 June 2019


"पधारो म्हारे देस"

If you wish to visit Jodhpur this year, then Mehrangarh Fort is a must visit. 
Why??? 🤔🤔🤔
 Because of its interesting history.

DID YOU KNOW: Earlier, Mehrangarh was called as 'Mihirgarh'. According to Rajasthani language pronunciation conventions, 'Mihir' means Sun & 'garh' means fort. 🌞 'Mihirgarh' has changed to 'Mehrangarh'; the Sun-deity has been the chief deity of the Rathore dynasty.

Entry to the fort is gained through a series of seven gates. The most famous of the gates are:

Jai Pol, Fateh Pol, Dedh Kamgra Pol, Loha Pol. 
Within the fort are several brilliantly crafted and decorated palaces. These include Moti Mahal, Sheesha Mahal and Daulat Khana, etc. 

So, if Jodhpur is on your list this year then a visit to Mehrangarh is a must. 

I went there with my Dad & my sister, this year. The pictures, in this blog are clicked by me. For more, visit my instagram handle: @ohwomaniyaa.

The history of fort, is not just a mere history. It is a beautiful memory. This fort is the aan-baan-shaan of blue city, JODHPUR.

I am a person, who loves forts alot. I love to learn about their history, architecture & most importantly I love to click pictures. ☀️💛


Wednesday 6 February 2019

All about life ❤

What do you mean by the word "life"? 💭💭💭

Is life all about your existence, or it is more than that!

We all have been asked this question, that what exactly life means to you???

So, my answer is that Life is a blessing!

Yes, a blessing.

illustration by: Nicola Robson
source: instagram

I am really blessed that I exist in this world. And, I am so thankful to God & my parents equally for it. 🙏🏻⚘

Few days back, i.e. on 27th January I turned 22. And, I celebrated my special day with my family, which is indeed a blessing. 🙇‍♀️

But some of us, amongst millions and billions and trillions... of a human society! Doesn't want to live, some of us want to die.

I ask you why?

why do you want to end it, when you can live it happily.

Ups and Downs come in everyone's life, it is upto us how we face them!!!

I simply believe that if you have faith in God, then no matter what phase of Life you are going through be it really really really a bad one, he gives you the power, strength to overcome every obstacle, to face every problem.

To me live is to love,
& To love is to live.

Same is what 'Life' really means to me & what I think is we all should live our life, happily. We should not look for reasons to end it, rather we all should celebrate it.


Thursday 27 December 2018


             illustration by: elliemation          
 (source: instagram)


Blessed are those, those who have a family. I have seen so many of us not treating our parents, the way they deserve the respect, care & love. We should feel lucky that we have parents, we have a family. Think about them those who don't have a family. They cry & they wish for it daily what we have. So, why don't we people feel blessed for what we already have. Why some of us don't give respect to our parents ??? Why do we not give that love & care what they; our parents deserve & give us. All we need to do is just to reciprocate, what we recieve. Our parents do whatever they can to provide us all the happiness, love & care we ask for & we deserve. Then, why can't we do the same for them??? Can't we provide them the love, happiness & care they deserve & want from us ???

I still remember, when I lost my mom. My dad, took all the responsibility of my mom. He took care of me & my sister & he being a single parent raised us & provided us all what so ever we wished & asked him.

He taught us how to fight & face this cruel world.

Down the memory lane, back in 2013 when I got to know that I had stones in my Gall Bladder. The doctor told my Dad, that it needs to be operated & after operation I'll be okay.

So, I still remember, that when I was being operated how tensed he was for me. And, even when my operation was successful I was unconcious for 3 hours. After seeing, that state of mine he got so angry that he told the doctor that why is my daughter not awake yet??? Why is she unconcious, till now?? & how long will it take for her to regain the conciousness back ?? So, doctor said that she'll regain conciousness soon. Very soon. And, when I regained my conciousness. He was, on cloud nine. Believe me, I've not seen him that happy in my entire life before 13th september, 2013.

That was the time, when I realized that if my dad can find happiness in seeing me alive. Then why can't I just give him the respect what he deserves.

So, this was just a small example of how my dad took care of me.

All, I want to convey throughout my blog is that if we have our parents, we have a family. And, if we have a family. Then, we should love our family & we should take care of them. Coz, eveyone is not blessed with what some of us our blessed with.

Also, we should love & care the people those who don't have a family. Coz, love can heal what loneliness cannot.

Gunjeet Kaur Sehgal.

Sunday 7 October 2018


If you, me & most probably all of us. If we will not stop it on the spot from happening then it is for sure gonna happen.

If we will not stop the eve teasing, happening around us. If we being the victim, will be quiet. Then, it will obviously give rise to a rapist.

Those who think that what society will think, then you should also think that by thinking like this you are not securing the future of the girls of the nation.

Be it a small or a big one, a crime is a crime.

If you decide not to raise the voice against the crime; then indirectly you are also supporting a crime.

Keeping QUIET is not RIGHT.


If you raise your voice against a Crime,
If you stand against a Crime,
If you are right,
If you know that by keeping quiet,
You are not doing right.
why don't we stand against the wrong
& fight for what is right.

On a big note, I have always supported what is right & I've always stood against what is wrong.


Wednesday 12 September 2018


21 Against 10,000 💪💪💪

Yes, you read it correct. 21 SIKH soldiers fought against 10,000 Afghans, the battle of saragarhi. I wonder why this battle have never been mentioned in the history book & why it had never been talked about in the school. There are many movies based on this battle which have been released & there are two more upcoming movies based on this battle.

Pashtuns wanted to capture the forts which were originally by Ranjit Singh, the ruler of the Sikh Empire. On 12 September 1897, 10,000 Pashtuns attacked the signalling post at Saragarhi to cut communications between  the two  forts ( Forts Gulistan & Fort Lockhart). Due to the forts not being visible to each other, Saragathi was created midway.

The soldiers in Saragarhi decided to fight to the last to prevent the enemy from reaching the forts.

Gurmukh singh, who communicated the battle with Col. Haughton, was the  last  Sikh  Defender. He is Stated to  have killed 20 Afghans, the Pashtuns having to set fire to  the post to kill him. As he was dying he was said to have yelled repeatedly the Sikh battle cry "Jo Bole So Nihal, Sat Sri Akal." ("One will be blessed eternally, who says that God is the ultimate truth").

"And they  won, the battle of Saragathi"

The names of those 21 brave soldiers who  fought & won the battle & who  are the recipients of the gallantry award are:

Havildar Ishar Singh, Naik Lal Singh, Lance Naik Chanda Singh, Sepoy Sundar Singh, Sepoy Ram Singh, Sepoy Uttar Singh, Sepoy Sahib Singh, Sepoy Hira Singh, Sepoy Daya Singh, Sepoy Jivan Singh, Sepoy Bhola Singh, Sepoy Narayan Singh, Sepoy Gurmukh Singh, Sepoy Bhagwan Singh, Sepoy Buta Singh, Sepoy Ram Singh, Sepoy Nand Singh, Sepoy Jivan Singh, Sepoy Bhagwan Singh, Sepoy Gurmukh Singh.

Today, is the day i.e on 12 Sep when this battle was fought. The Sikh military personnel commemorate the battle every year on 12 September, as Saragarhi Day.  ❤❤❤

Thursday 6 September 2018


So so so proud today. Finally, Supreme Court of India decriminalises Section 377. Historical Judgement!!! A huge thumbs up for humanity and equal rights. 👍🙏👏

One India, Equal in Love 💕💕💕 Love is love, be it between same sex or the opposite. Love should be treated equal. ❤❤❤

Love sees no color, no gender, no social status, no wealth, no race/ ethnicity. Love has no labels.

Love always Wins 🏳️‍🌈

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Challenge your Phobia 💪👊💙

Walking on these rocks for rafting that too in flip flops was not that tough for me; while actually facing my fear was. Yes, you read it right.

I actually am an aquaphobiac. But at the same time I was excited too. Being nervous & excited how it feels like. I actually experienced it on 13.6.18. When our instructor asked us to jump into the water. It was only me who knows how I jumped into it & was there for 3-4 minutes into the water.

If I will say that I have overcome my fear it would be a lie. But I'll try my best to overcome it. Coz, facing your fear is the key to a happy life. 💙🛶